We Are Brooke & Associates, Legal and Regulatory Advisors

Located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, Brooke & Associates specializes in matters critical to the medical device, digital health, and digital therapeutics industries, with a particular focus on hardware and software medical devices incorporating wearable sensors, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies.

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About Brooke & Associates

Brooke & Associates advises clients of all stages, sizes, and clinical, therapeutic, and technological domains to address issues across a broad spectrum—from counseling on compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, providing practical guidance on product-specific market authorization strategies, and serving as an advocate for development of smart policy.

Our extensive, industry-specific experience combined with our strong client focus uniquely positions us to provide guidance through pre- and post-market challenges.

About Justicia Law Firm- Justicia Webflow Template

Practice Areas

We offer our clients an array of services critical to the successful research, development, and commercialization of innovative medical devices.

In conjunction with our sister company—Brooke Biomedical—we support clients with cybersecurity compliance requirements, including threat modeling, SBOM maintenance, and penetration testing, among other services.

Core Team

Brooke & Associates is dedicated to providing client-focused, high-quality service. We leverage decades of industry-specific expertise to deliver efficient and effective guidance and support.

Additional Advisors

William Norries | Justicia Webflow Template

Tamara Baynham, PHD

principal consultant
William Norries | Justicia Webflow Template

Paula Burge

Senior Advisor
William Norries | Justicia Webflow Template

Liz Claverie, CAPT (Ret.)

Special advisor
William Norries | Justicia Webflow Template

Scott Durlacher, MS

Senior Advisor
Austin Burton | Justicia Webflow Template

Leigh Harrell

Senior Consultant
John Carter | Justicia Webflow Template

Robert Jarrin

Special Advisor
William Norries | Justicia Webflow Template

Andrea Miller

Principal Consultant

Get in Touch

Use the form or email address below to contact us regarding the challenge and support you are seeking.

Please do not include confidential or sensitive information in your message.

In the event that we are representing a party with opposing interests to your own, we may have a duty to disclose any information you provide to our client.

By submitting this information, you hereby acknowledge that doing so does not establish an attorney-client privilege between you and Brooke & Associates or any of its attorneys.

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